Monday, April 21, 2008

2008-2009 9th Grade English Syllabus

Course Title: 9th Grade English I Honors

Teacher: Mr. Chad Baier (

Extra Help: M-F 3:00-4:30

Planning: 9:00-10:20 Monday-Friday (Call XXX-XXXX to set up conferences)

Prerequisites: Successful Completion of 8th Grade Honors Language Arts or Teacher

Course Description:

Students will explore literature from ancient world epics, including the Holy Bible, through modern novels, emphasizing the various genres, authors, cultures, and history surrounding each piece of literature. They will interpret, analyze, evaluate, and critique literature. They will demonstrate their understanding through discussions, presentations, and essays. They will research many topics throughout the year and will produce a major research paper. Students must demonstrate mastery of grammar and usage and will develop their written and spoken vocabularies. Summer readings are required.

Learning/Developmental Goals:

This course is designed to meet Montana State’s Standards for Language Arts. By the end of the course you will be expected and able to:

understand and use literary texts

· Compare/contrast ideas within and across literary texts to make inferences.

· Analyze the impact of point of view on literary texts.

· Interpret devices of figurative language (including extended metaphor, oxymoron, and paradox).

· Analyze the relationship among character, plot, and theme in a given literary text.

· Analyze the effect of the author’s craft (including tone and the use of imagery, flashback, foreshadowing, symbolism, irony, and allusion) on the meaning of literary texts.

· Create responses to literary texts through a variety of methods such as written works, oral presentations, media productions, and the visual and performing arts.

· Carry out independent reading for extended periods of time to derive pleasure.

· Understanding and Using Informational Texts